

Guaranteed Recovery 

About us

Triangle BHRT works for the welfare of the people in our communities. The medical services that we provide have given a lot of people a real chance at enjoying their lives again. We are here to make sure that you are always at the peak of your health. Hormones may sound scary, but they can truly turn your life around. For so many of us, know it or not, low hormones DO effect us. You’ll never really know how low your levels are until you come in and work with us. We can get you on a plan to get you feeling great again!

Robert oliver

Medical Consultant

We are a team of well-qualified professionals and you can always expect the best out of us. We are here to make your life better and healthier. 

Fast. simple. effective


Hormonal balances can be identified as the cause, or at least a factor, in many different medical issues. We can help you diagnose and treat whatever may be ailing you. 

Testosterone Pellets

We have experts who can provide the best testosterone replacement therapy available.


We are here to help you lead a healthy life and all you have to do is to trust us. It is high time that you forget all your medicines and live a free and healthy life. 


The best part of visiting us is that our medication has no side effects and you will face absolutely no problems. 

Our Blog



The best place to meet all your medical needs.


Triangle BHRT provides the best and the trusted services in the field.


They understand our needs better than we do. That is why they are able to provide the best possible remedy.

contact info


(984) 229-0690

Email Adress


Main Office Adress

4917 Johnson Street
Raleigh, NC 27615

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